Leeds Tykes

Match 2 December

By Angela Rimmington Brown
Next match Tynedale RFC Leeds Tykes Team logos Sat 6 January 14:00

Match off

Our match against Tynedale has been called off due to the weather conditions.

We’ll let you know when the rescheduled match will be.

Leeds Tykes 2024 wall calendar

A hand holding up Tykes: What Lies Beneath. Our 2024 calendar

You can buy our Tykes: What lies beneath 2024 wall calendar.

It’s just £20.

All the details and how to order.

Feast your eyes on this

We have a cracking competition for you
No14 – Restaurant & Bar, our sponsor restaurant, has a delicious festive party menu. We showed the menu to Harry Jukes. Guess Jukesy’s choice of three courses correctly for a chance to win a £100 gift voucher at No14 – Restaurant & Bar.

Details and how to enter