Leeds Tykes

Leeds Tykes’ 2023/24 community programme

By Angela Rimmington Brown
Leeds Children's Hospital Caring about children

We’re partnering with the Leeds Children’s Hospital Charity

As we’re well into the second month of the 23/24 season, Leeds Tykes is starting to look away from the rugby pitch and at ways to give back to the community and people around us.

The club is going to connect with local charities by offering our time, support with events and fundraising from various challenges.

There will be different events popping up throughout the season and we hope you will be able to support us in any way you can.

One of the charities the club will be partnering with is Leeds Children’s Hospital Charity. Recently Club Captain, Tom Collins, met with Helen ‘Ducky’ McDonald, a Fundraising and Engagement Officer, from the charity to discuss how the club can begin to support them.

Tom said: “After chatting with some of the players, we believed we could be doing more as a group to give back to local people. One way we wanted to do this was to engage with Leeds Children’s Hospital.

“The coffee I had with ‘Ducky’ was an inspiring one and we began to bounce ideas off each other and I’m excited to see what develops from it.“

The next event in the Leeds Children’s Hospital Charity calendar is the Children’s Toddle on Friday 28th October at Roundhay Park. Click the link for more details: Children’s Toddle 2023 (leedshospitalscharity.org.uk) Please keep an eye out across our social media for our community and charity events. To keep up to date with all things off the field please follow @tykesinthecommunity on Instagram, as well as, the community tab on our website.